Orange Belt Trail

Proposed trail by Pasco county to utilize parts of the original abandoned railroad track. The proposed use is hiking, bicycles, and equestrian trails. I would like to see 37 miles that Horses could be ridden on from end to end. They are suggesting that is not an option at this point in time.

Please go to the contact page.

This is being paid for by the “This is being paid for by the “Penny for Pasco program”

There is a place to leave comments, and there is extensive maps of all of the ideas. Far more expensive than what I have placed here. I think water troughs, and Equestrian access from end to end would be the best. Shaded off-road options always the best. There is concern about Hartman in San Antonio that it's going to impede the comfort level of those residents there. So there may be some special something going on to help them out I don't know what.


Sunday Funday


Super Day Moving Cattle to Spring Pasture